SAA Complaints policy
The Suffolk Agricultural Association wishes to provide a high level of service to all our users. Occasionally, things go wrong and you may be unhappy with the service you have received. Most issues are best resolved by speaking to us at the time and we would encourage people to do this in the first instance. Where issues cannot be dealt with quickly and less formally, the SAA has a complaints policy.
1. What is a complaint?
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with any aspect of the service the SAA has provided.
2. Who can make a complaint?
Anyone who has received a service from us may make a complaint.
3. How can I make a complaint?
A complaint may be received in person, by telephone, by letter or by email. If you make a compliant by telephone or in person, we will record the information on our complaints form.
4. Who can receive a complaint
All SAA staff may receive a complaint.
5. Procedure for dealing with complaints
We will aim to acknowledge all complaints within 5 working days of their receipt. We will investigate all complaints thoroughly and may need to speak to members of staff or other agencies. We will aim to provide a response to your complaint within 21 days of its receipt. Where this is not possible we will keep you informed of progress.
All complaints will be investigated by our Chief Executive, supported by our Departmental Managers.
Please click here if you would like to download a copy of this policy